
  • 资讯
  • 2025年01月05日
  • 在金砖青瓦的皇家庭院,诗意不语的香樟园林中,雄伟壮阔的狮子山顶上,在茂林修竹的幽静私舍里,读书、品茗、觅光、听曲,大概是生活美好的模样。近日,索尼晶雅音管LSPX-S1携手安缦度假酒店开启 “缦享·拾光”之旅,当“烛光”点亮,当乐音弥漫,索尼以独特的黑科技为安缦客每一段停留添加声光沁心的注脚,晕开时光美好。 索尼晶雅音管LSPX-S1邂逅安缦度假酒店 缦享悠远:碰撞历史,心胸开阔 在北京


在金砖青瓦的皇家庭院,诗意不语的香樟园林中,雄伟壮阔的狮子山顶上,在茂林修竹的幽静私舍里,读书、品茗、觅光、听曲,大概是生活美好的模样。近日,索尼晶雅音管LSPX-S1携手安缦度假酒店开启 “缦享·拾光”之旅,当“烛光”点亮,当乐音弥漫,索尼以独特的黑科技为安缦客每一段停留添加声光沁心的注脚,晕开时光美好。






遵循一贯“避世”原则坐落于上海养云安 缦崇尚天然敬畏造化树宅相守造就别样雅致。简约有机玻璃机身融入养云安 缴,让其优雅清晰明亮,也多了一分古色韵味。在冬雨夜,一杯咖啡,一本线装书,一支乐曲当音符从音管流泻而出空气中流动的是丝竹雪,是木心《从前慢》。

Ja 的文字画面感闭上眼睛若有晶雅音管左右更好了。

Ja 如陈设のSony Crystal Sound@上海养云 安 缴

Scrared in the city, elevated in the mountains. Sony Crystal Sound LSPX-S1 combines three sets of different materials for speakers, with passive diaphragms on top and mid-frequency speakers through a horn-shaped reflector to disperse sound around. The transparent glass tube is a high-frequency speaker's diaphragm, driven by an internal vibration generator to make high frequencies more vivid. This way, Sony LSPX-S1 achieves clear highs, wide middle tones and full lows.

At Fuyun Anman in Hangzhou, we can experience the tranquility of Zen Buddhism and the beauty of Jiangnan silk embroidery. Even if you visit again and again, each time will be a new surprise.

In harmony with nature at Yunnan's Dianchi Lake resort hotel Bigyan Anman on Lion Mountain top. With classic elements of traditional Naxi architecture blending harmoniously into ancient cityscapes embracing natural spirituality. Whether it's @Flower_ttt or anyone else visiting Lijiang for the nth time but still be amazed by seeing LSPX-S1 on their balcony for the first time - connecting it via Bluetooth to their phone streaming music that matches perfectly with the scenery surrounding them like Jade Dragon Snow Mountain - they all get deeply absorbed into this moment.

The unique design of Sony LSPX- S1 fuses light and sound organically creating a brand new sensory experience that touches hearts making everything more lively.

Voice & Light Enchanting Experience: A New Sensory Journey