在金砖青瓦的皇家庭院,诗意不语的香樟园林中,在雄伟壮阔的狮子山顶,以及茂林修竹的幽静私舍里,读书、品茗、觅光、听曲,大概是生活美好的模样。近日,索尼晶雅音管LSPX-S1携手安缦度假酒店开启 “缦享·拾光”之旅,当“烛光”点亮,当乐音弥漫,索尼以独特的黑科技为安缦客每一段停留添加声光沁心的注脚,让时光美好如梦似幻。
北京颐和安缦,与颐和园仅有一墙之隔,上有金砖青瓦点缀,下有曲径交错布局。百年积淀文化底蕴与现代生活碰撞,每时每刻都被历史包围。入住安 缦,最早体验到“缦享·拾光”之旅的是名博兼时尚作者周源远,他对剔透音管印象深刻。得益于晶雅音管LSPX-S1圆柱状设计360度声场开阔,声音自然流淌,“沁心音符在院落绕梁飞舞”,宛若置身古今都会被历史包围,一场跨越神交。
上海养云安缦崇尚天然敬畏造化树宅相守别样雅致。索尼晶雅音管LSPX-S1简约有机玻璃机身融入养云风格,让其优雅清晰明亮,加上古镇韵味。“美成久云落茶杯千年古樟树明清老宅院。”冬雨夜,在格珊窗下# 缦享·拾光#伴咖啡线装书乐曲,当音符流泻旋律曼妙空气丝竹木心《从前慢》。
智慧陈设的Sony Crystal Audio @ Shanghai Yuyuan Anman
Scratch the surface of luxury, and you'll find a world of tranquility. Sony's Crystal Audio LSPX-S1 is the perfect companion for your next getaway at Anman Hotel. This exquisite audio system combines cutting-edge technology with timeless elegance, creating an immersive experience that will transport you to another world.
With its sleek design and advanced features, the LSPX-S1 is more than just a speaker - it's a statement piece that adds sophistication and charm to any room. Its crystal-clear sound quality is enhanced by its unique glass tube design, which amplifies every note with precision and clarity.
Imagine sipping champagne in your private villa as you listen to soft jazz melodies filling the air. Envision yourself relaxing in your luxurious suite after a long day of sightseeing, surrounded by the soothing sounds of nature. The Sony Crystal Audio LSPX-S1 makes these moments even more unforgettable.
But don't just take our word for it - experience it for yourself at Anman Hotel. Book now and discover why this iconic hotel has been chosen as one of Asia's best-kept secrets.
Experience luxury redefined with Sony's Crystal Audio LSPX-S1 at Anman Hotel