
  • 资讯
  • 2024年12月23日
  • 在与北京奔驰的华人司机李先生聊天时,了解到:日本是一个治安环境非常好的国家,几乎没有小偷,不小心丢了东西可以原封不动的找回来。无论去那个城市都非常的干净,一双白色的鞋子穿一周也还是干干净净的。 除了四季的景色之外,你会爱上这里的便利,比如说出门忘记带卫生纸,没关系,在日本无论在公共卫生间还是餐厅,凡是会用到纸巾的地方一定会给你备足,公共卫生间不仅干净还非常的人性化







不走冤枉路。Japanese traffic is like a complex web, no matter how many maps and guides you've studied, getting lost in the Tokyo subway system is still possible. But with a private car, you can avoid the hassle of navigating unfamiliar streets.

不花冤枉钱。Taxis in Japan are expensive, especially for foreigners who may not be familiar with the local currency or customs. A daily taxi fare can reach 4000-5000 yuan, but a private car service can cost around 2000 yuan per day for up to 6 passengers.

不怕语言不通。Not everyone speaks English in Japan, so it's helpful to have a driver who understands both Japanese and Chinese cultures. Our drivers are locals who know the ins and outs of Japan and can help you navigate any language barriers.

人性化日式服务。Our drivers provide personalized services such as slippers, umbrellas, bottled water, tissues, and even seat cushions to ensure your comfort during travel.

避免不文明行为造成尴尬。Living abroad requires understanding local customs and habits; our experienced drivers will guide you through cultural norms to minimize misunderstandings.

支持在日华人同胞事业.By choosing our private car service,you're supporting entrepreneurs from China working hard overseas.

What more reasons could there be against choosing a private car for your Japanese travels? Download our app now!