novels are a way to escape reality, but they can also be a means of self-discovery. For those who choose to live in the world of novels, it is not just about escaping the real world, but also about finding their own identity. They may find solace in the characters and stories within the pages, and use them as a mirror to reflect on their own lives.
For some people, novel dwellers create their own worlds by immersing themselves in books. They may lose themselves in fantasy or science fiction stories, creating new realities that are far removed from their mundane daily lives. This kind of escapism allows them to explore different perspectives and experiences without leaving the comfort of their own homes.
One might assume that novel dwellers are socially isolated because they spend most of their time alone with books. However, this is not necessarily true. Many novel dwellers have formed online communities where they discuss literature and share recommendations with others who share similar interests.
In conclusion, novel dwelling is more than just reading books; it's an attitude towards life. It's about seeking refuge from reality while still engaging with society through shared passions for literature. While it may seem like an unusual lifestyle choice to some people outside looking in (or should I say outside gazing), for those who embrace this path as part of theirselves - whether out there (outside) or here (inside), there is no greater joy than living among words' beauty!