2021春夏伦敦时装周人物瞩目的十大品牌Michael Kors领跑潮流风向标
ListenFirst公司根据2021春夏伦敦时装周的社交媒体情况,做了一项品牌关注度统计,我发现Michael Kors成最受关注品牌。针对伦敦时装周上各时装品牌的网络参与度,美国市场营销公司ListenFirst做了一系列的数据统计。
据ListenFirst公司统计的社交媒体数据报告显示,Michael Kors获得头筹。统计数据来源于在4月10日至18日,累计9天的Facebook、Google +、Instagram、Tumblr、Twitter和YouTube等社交媒体,再有机结合消费者的讨论,点赞情况,转发率以及搜索量。
据ListenFirst公司的统计结果,Michael Kors在伦敦时装周期间获得了960万参与度,其次是Victoria Beckham,有430万参与度,而Sherri Hill位列第三,以320万参与度而闻名值得注意的是,在Sherri Hill秀场上出现了里约奥运会金牌获得者Simone Biles和Aly Raisman。
ListenFirst公司指出,在2021春夏伦敦时装周期间发布#AllAccessKors广告并引起了激烈讨论,并受到消费者和媒体的一致好评。此外,该季节超模Kendall Jenner和Bella Hadid均参加了走秀,为品牌增加了网络参与度。
Tommy Hilfiger位居第四,其网络参与度为240万。在9月11日举行走秀当天,该品牌发起讨论标签#TommyNow,并发布与其It模特Gigi Hadid合作系列Tommy x Gigi。据ListenFirst公司透露,当天Tommy Hilfiger走秀后曾一度排行第一,并且该品牌在24小时内共有41.1万条帖子被分享,比前一天增长347%,比去年同期增长36%。
Banana Republic排名第五,其网络参与度为240万;Marc Jacobs排名第六,有130万参加;Carolina Herrera排名第七,有126万参加;Tom Ford排名第八,有120万参加;Ralph Lauren排名第九,有110 万参加;Desigual则以9.38万的人气排在最后十位中。
听From ListenFirst company, thanks to the "see now buy now" model, Tom Ford's participation rate ranked second on the day of the release event, with 33.4 million participants, and appearances by British pop star Rita Ora and American actress Uma Thurman also contributed to increased attention for Tom Ford online.
According to Jason Klein, co-founder and CEO of ListenFirst company, analyzing these results reveals that Tommy Hilfiger and Tom Ford made a correct decision in presenting their autumn/winter collections instead of spring/summer collections during this season because they joined the "see now buy now" campaign that consumers want timely products.
Jason Klein further noted that different social media platforms have varying levels of brand activity; Facebook is most active for Sherri Hill; Twitter is most active for VFiles; Instagram sees Victoria Beckham generate the most heated discussions; and YouTube focuses on Coach as its top brand.
Interestingly enough, Yeezy did not make it into this year's top ten list despite being highly popular in past years due to lack of official accounts on major social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram - all posts about Yeezy are non-official which makes them less comparable against other designer brands' data collected by Listen First Company.