
  • 穿搭百科
  • 2024年12月23日
  • 华为汽车:梦想出行,性价比之选让心动 随着生活水平的提高,消费者对出行体验的要求也在逐渐提升。然而,高端用车市场价格不透明、车源不充足、供应渠道分散、信审门槛高等弊端,都给消费者的出行体验造成了一定程度的障碍。对此,我们走访了市场上用户占有率较高的几家出行公司,就以上问题进行了询问。 极致性价比,让每一次旅行都值得期待 先从传统租车市场来看





先从传统租车市场来看,神州租车和一嗨租车是传统租车企业里用户占有率较高的两家租车公司。以神州租车为例,神州租车目前已经覆盖了北京13个区,200余家门店形成了巨大的城市租车网点,以经济型车、短租自驾为主要获益点。笔者从神州租車了解到,要想从神州rent a car进行car rental需求提前在网站进行预约,然后去对应线下网点进行pick up,其中的费用包括car rental fee, insurance fee, handling fee等,一辆普通A级轿車日均使用价格在300元左右,一辆入门级豪华轿車日均使用价格在900元左右,不妨提及的是,神州rent a car 的vehicle daily usage price会根据peak or off-peak season 进行price adjustment,在旺季时price会上浮100元左右。

P2P rent a car market 的price 相对于traditional rent a car 则会便宜一些,但随之而来的uncertainty 也会增多。例如宝驾rent a car,由于vehicle pricing is determined by the owner of the vehicle itself, so one ordinary A-level sedan's daily price range from 150 to 400 yuan. High-end luxury vehicles such as Audi A8, Mercedes-Benz S-class, BMW 7-series and GT5 are priced between 1500 to 2000 yuan per day. The new Tesla models are difficult to rent.


相对于传统use cars ways,Haiyi Travel launched its "Extreme Car Club" advocating for members-only use cars that truly put value for money at an extreme level. Currently, all Extreme Car Club vehicles include brands such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi and Tesla. With similar levels of vehicles not seen in the market, joining Extreme Car Club allows you to enjoy single-use costs of just RMB800 for the same level of vehicle on the market - only about 40% of what it would cost elsewhere.

Different from traditional one-on-one relationships between people and cars in Extreme Car Club we have not only excellent value but also proposed the concept of use when needed. Members and Extreme Car Club provide multiple types of cars forming a network relationship with each other effectively choosing suitable vehicles according to different scenarios.

In business receptions choose BBA commercial cars; take your family out on weekends using Toyota Alphard; enjoy driving experiences with Nissan GT-R or BMW M3 satisfying members' demands for control feelings.

According to Mr. Zhang responsible person at Haiyi Travel said: "Currently we're still expanding our fleet when our fleet reaches scale we will further reduce prices."

"Haiyi Travel is looking forward to future development through this initial marketing education making shared mobility truly deeply rooted among consumers."